Thursday 31 March 2011

Tuesday 29 March 2011

A nite of feasting, gaming & movie-ing 19 January 2011...

Once a year, we treat our precious team to a night of fun. Not quite the typical “annual dinner” that most companies throw, but a more laid-back version, perhaps even more engaging one. We do this to say two things.

1. We appreciate you, big time.

2. Stick around with us, we have big dreams and we’re out to achieve them.
Some people will catch on to number 2, some won’t. It’s OK. We still appreciate them for the time they were with us. Without getting all too sombre, we did have a fun night out and here are some snippets from the night.

We started off with dinner at the Curve  and the menu was delicious local fare (we had some new foreign workers from the Phillipines with us, so we wanted to give them a taste of our wonderful Malaysian cuisine!). Dessert was not cupcakes, in case you were wondering.

                                                         Dinner before the movi start

Before the movie start

About Me

I am Nor Nakiah Abd.Rashid , the CEO of Sugarbaby Cupcakes branch in Malaysia since 1995 until now. In addition, besides holding positions as CEO, i am also serve as Marketing Director at one of the fast food restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. 

I am received my early education in primary school followed by secondry school at Sekolah Menengah Convent Batu Pahat,Johore and has been successful graduated with Diploma in Business Studies at Kolej Yayasan Melaka and further my study at UiTM Shah Alam in Degree Communication and Media Studies. 

After completing my studies, i began to start with a small business selling a junk food and now i am successful served as CEO at Sugarbaby Cupcakes. My interest in this field of food is encouraging and gives inspiration to me until i has successfully managed two business at a time with very systematically strategies used. Now i am happy with my business and hope that Sugarbaby Cupcakes will remain until the end.

While have a dinner at Famous Thai

Inter-Ethnicity, 1Malaysia

I was at a Yayasan 1 Malaysia Press conference recently, addressing the issue of Inter-Ethnicity and proposing taking race off all forms. Many have asked me why this is so important. Well to begin with we are Malaysians first then only are we Indians, Malays, Chinese, Bidayuh, Kadazan etc.

I‘ve always felt we need to transcend our ethnic divisions and unite as a nation under 1Malaysia. We simply need to get this country moving again in the right direction, instead of constantly squabbling among ourselves.
Our strength has always been our diversity  the diversity of races, religions, languages, cultures and many more. We’ve always found a unique ‘Malaysian way’ of resolving issues. But over the years, we seem to have lost that somewhat and we need to urgently rediscover it. I’ve said this many times and don’t want to sound like a broken record. But, I just can’t help but say it again and again…The world is moving at warp speed and it doesn’t owe us anything. If we can’t compete at the global level, we will never be able to move up to the high income economy as imagined by the prime minister in fact we might move backwards.
We have great talent. We Malaysian can achieve anything if we put our minds to it  and move forward as one. But it is only being united as Malaysians that we can take our rightful place on the global stage.
Our nation is blessed with abundant natural resources we are a country blessed with talented people who are a match for anyone on the planet. Yet instead of building on this foundation we seem to be dismantling it instead.
Let us celebrate our diversity and take pride in our individuality even as we reach across the boundaries of race, religion and culture and unite as Malaysians in chasing and realizing our shared dreams.
I have and always been proud to be a Malaysian. That’s all I ever thought I am. Whenever, I am abroad at sports, music or government events, I am always there as a Malaysian. I don’t know anything else.
So, I end today’s piece with a challenge to my fellow Malaysians…to make 2011 the year we once again come together as Malaysians. Go to to see how you can make that difference.